Messengers (Christmas)
God uses messengers called angels to bring His Good News to people. In this series we will explore a few of those moments in the birth of Jesus!
The story of Exodus is a story of God getting His people out of slavery and getting slavery out of His people! Join us as we look verse-by-verse through this book and discover how we too need rescue and restoration in our lives.
CALL OUT (Psalms)
The book of Psalms has been called the prayer book or the song book of the people of God. In it you find pleas for help, praise of joy and statements of devotion. Join us as we explore the different types or categories of Psalms found in this collection.
The small book of Jude is a warning to the church to fight for the things that matter. In this 4-part series we will look at 1. Who we are/What we are fighting for? 2. Why we are fighting? 3. Who are our opponents? 4. How do we fight?
John writes his first letter to church who need to be reminded of the assurance they have in Christ. He tells them that because Jesus = Eternal life they can have confidence in their faith. He writing to to help them know the truth!