Ministry happens in partnership.  "We can always accomplish more together than we can alone."  Bedrock Church Franklin Co. believes this and has built its ministry model on this principle.  Below is a list of trusted community and ministry partners we work alongside to see RESCUE and RESTORATION in our community!

AGAPE CENTERThe Agape Center is God-directed outreach ministry with the goal of attending to the felt needs of man while addressing man’s spiritual need in a manner that gives God the glory!


The Agape Center is God-directed outreach ministry with the goal of attending to the felt needs of man while addressing man’s spiritual need in a manner that gives God the glory!

STEPPING STONES MISSIONOur goal is to work toward eliminating hunger in the Franklin County community by providing free food to our patrons that have become victims of unfortunate circumstances and cannot meet their own basic needs.


Our goal is to work toward eliminating hunger in the Franklin County community by providing free food to our patrons that have become victims of unfortunate circumstances and cannot meet their own basic needs.

FRANKLIN COUNTY YOUNG LIFEWe invite kids to follow Christ, care for them regardless of their response, and change lives in the process.


We invite kids to follow Christ, care for them regardless of their response, and change lives in the process.

BEDROCK NETWORKThe Bedrock Network is a family of Bedrock churches that God has allowed us to plant all over the world. In 2007 God called us to start a church planting movement here in Bedford, VA. Our desire was to be a church plant that planted o…


The Bedrock Network is a family of Bedrock churches that God has allowed us to plant all over the world. In 2007 God called us to start a church planting movement here in Bedford, VA. Our desire was to be a church plant that planted other churches. To God be the glory!

SBC of VirginiaThe SBC of Virginia is a fellowship of more than 600 churches dedicated to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The convention began in 1996 based on a belief in the inerrancy of Scriptures and committed to church planting as a me…

SBC of Virginia

The SBC of Virginia is a fellowship of more than 600 churches dedicated to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The convention began in 1996 based on a belief in the inerrancy of Scriptures and committed to church planting as a means to reach the world for Christ.