We believe it is essential for the church to gather. The Author of Hebrews instructs us to live, “…not neglecting the meeting together, as is the habit of some…”. We believe this call to gather needs to happen on many levels. Sunday mornings are one of those for the church of Bedrock Church Franklin Co. Please join us as we worship our Savior Jesus through singing, study in the Word and fellowship (community) together. Gatherings are very casual in dress but intimate and intentional in focus. Please join with us as the church on a Sunday at 10:00 AM.
— Nursery Available (0-5 years old)


#blessed: the beatitudes

Current series: SUNDAY at 10:00 am

The Beatitudes Jesus gives at the Sermon on the Mount have been called by some His 10 commandments. These attitudes have been identified as some of His most memorable teachings. We explore this concept of blessed to see if it is, as our culture says - a fast lane to success and happiness or something deeper.

join us!


Meeting time: Sunday at 10:00 AM

MEETING LOCATION:  Henry Fork Service Center

71 Sandridge Rd. Rocky Mount, VA 24151